Friday, July 23, 2010


OK. Some of you may have heard of this little Sci-fi, comic book, movie, pop culture convention in Atlanta called Dragon*Con. If you haven't, check out The thing is massive. This is going to be my first year at Dragon*Con and I can hardly wait.

Melinda and I went to the Knoxville Adventure Con last year and had a blast. Dragon*Con will make Adventure Con look like a backyard party instead of a convention. Now what does this have to do with anything? Well, Melinda suggested that we should have costumes for this event. So, it fell to me, once we agreed on the costumes, to make the costumes as best I could.

Now I could have gone out and just bought costumes, but that wouldn't be very geeky or redneck. Plus Dragon*Con is not the place to try and pull off a Halloween Express Batman costume. The costuming is hardcore and I wanted something that looked great, but didn't break the bank, too badly.

So, there will be coming a series of posts on the costumes and how I made them.

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